The "reposition aperture to object centroid" (let's just call it "centroid") option is applicable on a per-aperture basis. It is simply an initial setting of the centroid button (
) above the image
display. Because of the confusion (by more than one user), I am planning to relabel the button to "initial centroid button setting" in the next build.
The state of the centroid button can be changed before the placement of each new aperture. So when you recall previous aperture settings, the per-aperture centroid settings are also recalled, regardless of the setting of the centroid option. If you want
to toggle the centroid state for a particular aperture after placing it (or after it has been recalled via "use previous n apertures"), simply <alt>-left-click inside the aperture and the setting will be reversed. There is currently no way to change the setting
for all apertures at once. Each aperture that needs to be changed requires an <alt>-left-click.