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Calibration in Maxim DL outside AIJ?

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Calibration in Maxim DL outside AIJ?

Adrian Jones
Another newbie question.
I'm very used to calibrating my images in Maxim DL. Is it practical to import the already-calibrated images directly into AIJ and if so what is the correct way to bypass AIJ calibration?

Are there any pitfalls with this approach?
For example, Maxim DL adds pedestal values during calibration to avoid negative values occuring in the arithmetic - I'm not sure if that's an issue or not. Also I can see that my calibrated images from Maxim would not have all the required fields in FITS headers, since I don't use Observatory Control in Maxim. Maybe these sort of factors make it impractical.

If any members are following this approach, I'd be grateful for any advice.


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Re: Calibration in Maxim DL outside AIJ?

Yes, use Toolbar->File->Import->Image Sequence to open the calibrated time series and then run multi-aperture.

The pedestal should subtract out as long as you are using a normal sky-background subtraction.

You can still run the calibrated data through DP if you want to add fits headers. Just turn off all calibration in DP but leave the fits header updates enabled. Or you can use Mulit-Plot_Main->Table->"Add new astronomical data to table" to add the values to the measurements table after running multi-aperture. The newest version of AIJ includes direct access to this functionality on the main panel. See "Add Data" button at lower-right of the panel.


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Re: Calibration in Maxim DL outside AIJ?

Adrian Jones
Great! Thanks, Karen.

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Re: Calibration in Maxim DL outside AIJ?

In reply to this post by Adrian Jones
Hi Adrian,

I've done just this many times -- works great.  since my images are acquired in MaxIm DL, I find it easiest to reduce the images right in MDL, then import into AIJ.  MaxIm adds these calibration notations to the FITS header (or, at least can do -- my setup does).

I do run the Data Processor to add BJD_TDB to the FITS headers.

Clear skies,

Brad Vietje
Newbury, VT