window behavior when changing desktops

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window behavior when changing desktops

There is some strange behavior in AstroImageJ which manifests itself when switching between virtual desktops in Linux.  When switching back to the desktop on which AstroImageJ is running, some of the windows resize to take up all the available screen space automatically.  This concerns, for example, the profile plots created with the normal ImageJ "straight line" tool and Analyze/Plot Profile.

I checked whether or not this happens in regular ImageJ (1.49v), and it doesn't.  I traced the issue to ij/gui/ where there is a call to maximize().  Commenting out the line of course fixes the problem, but then resizing any of the windows doesn't actually resize the comments.

I'm not sure if this is a related problem, but also after changing virtual desktops the zoom settings of the AstroImageJ display window change back to the default.

Is this the intended behavior?  It makes working effectively very difficult, if changing virtual desktops is required.

OS/Version information:
Oracle JDK
Linux (x86-64) with OpenBox
AstroImageJ 3.2.0
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Re: window behavior when changing desktops

With the help of a colleague, we tried to duplicate this problem, without success, using the "xfce" window manager that
is normally used on our Linux machines (opensuse 42.2 with openjdk 1.8.0_121). Would you be able to test with the xfce
window manager to see if the problem still occurs?

I'm not sure we have the resources to track this problem down, but if you could send your OpenBox configuration files,
we will try to set up OpenBox and to duplicate the problem as a starting point. According to a post on Wikipedia, there
are only two configuration files, both located in ~/.config/openbox. They are named menu.xml and rc.xml. If you need to
send those to me directly, send them to karenacollins aatt outlook ddoott com.


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Re: window behavior when changing desktops

Hi Karen,

I tested in XFCE and can confirm that the problem does not occur there.  I sent you my OpenBox config files.

For what it's worth, I also tried AstroImageJ in a clean install of LXDE (which uses OpenBox as it's window manager).  The same effect occurs: when changing desktops, the zoom level is lost and plot windows are all maximized.

Is there any way I can help?  Is there a git repository for AstroImageJ?

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Re: window behavior when changing desktops

Hi Paul,

Since you confirmed what we see in XFCE (i.e. the problem doesn't happen), I think what would be more helpful is for you
to test as many AIJ panels as practical on your end and let us know the ones that show the problem (is it only the plot
windows?), and the ones that don't. From that info, I might be able to figure out a difference by looking at the code
and sending you an attempted fix for testing.

There is not currently an online repository for AIJ, but the source code is included in the jar files (I think you may
realize that already based on your previous debug comment). If you have a code development system setup and can find a
fix on your end, or can trap whatever event it is that Openbox is (erroneously??) sending to AIJ, I'll gladly include
the fix in the daily build and the next release. I would be greatly appreciative of your efforts and would be happy to
note your contribution in the release notes.
