Re: possible error in RA conversion
Posted by
Richard Lee on
Hello Karen
As you may have guessed, I was getting completely confused over RA in deg or RA in hour. Your last paragraph explains things perfectly clearly.
Thanks again for bearing with me on this -
----Original message----
From : [hidden email]
Date : 14/11/2017 - 05:06 (GMTST)
To : [hidden email]
Subject : Re: possible error in RA conversion
Hi Richard,
I'm not clear exactly what you are meaning when you write "this DP option works with decimal RA / DEC in HH.HHH /
DDD.DDD format, IOW I should overwrite the ImageLink RA value by RA/15"?
The first part about the RA/DEC formatting is correct. However, I'm not clear on "I should overwrite the ImageLink RA
value by RA/15".
AIJ should read the ImageLink plate-solved WCS headers without any problem. I use TSX ImageLink regularly too. However,
if you are copying an RA value from ImageLink that is reported in degrees, you would need to divide it by 15 to give the
correct value in hours before entering into Coordinate Converter RA boxes.