Re: possible error in RA conversion

Posted by Richard Lee on

Hello Karen

Thanks for getting back so quickly. As you point out, entering RA in hh.hhh format converts to the correct sexagesimal result. Problem solved.. I should read the tooltips where RA / hours clearly stated ..

I tripped over this when configuring CCD DataProcessor for Target Coordinate Source => FITS header RA/DEC (J2000). FITs images are plated solved using TheSkyX Image Link which gives image centre coordinates ra/dec both in dd.ddd format. Just to be sure .. this DP option works with decimal RA / DEC in HH.HHH / DDD.DDD format, IOW I should overwrite the ImageLink RA value by RA/15?



----Original message----
From : [hidden email]
Date : 13/11/2017 - 12:09 (GMTST)
To : [hidden email]
Subject : Re: possible error in RA conversion

Hi Richard,

The RA fields must be entered in either decimal or sexagesimal *hours*, so if you divide 306.07125/15=20.40475 and enter
that value, then AIJ gives 20:24:17.1. Does that address the problem you are experiencing?


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