my processed image files are empty

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my processed image files are empty

I'm very new to AIJ and followed a video tutorial about performing dark subtraction on an image sequence in a virtual stack. (The video: ). Everything seemed to work fine, including the log coming up, processed versions of my images appearing, and the pipelineout directory being created and filling up with _out suffixed files.

However, when I open those output files... they are completely black. The histogram is just a bar the whole way on the left and when I move the cursor around the value and integrated counts just read zero everywhere. This is despite the fact that correct-looking processed images had popped up in the window during the processing. It seems like the files aren't being written properly even though AIJ has performed the calibration.

Anybody have ideas as to what could be causing this?
HS physics teacher
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Re: my processed image files are empty

Dennis Conti

This is Dennis Conti - I produced the video you are referring to and would like to see if I can help. I think it would be best to do this via email between us, and then we can report back to the forum.

Can you email me, at the email address below,  a screen shot of your AstroImageJ CCD Data Processing screen that you setup and used during the calibration phase?

If we can't solve the problem via email, we can use TeamViewer to remotely see what the issue is.

