freeze -- Mac-specific -- scrolling through stack

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freeze -- Mac-specific -- scrolling through stack

Probably this will be a low-priority bug report, since it is Mac-specific. Here goes:

On the Image Display Screen, when a stack of images are loaded,
it works to use the < and > buttons to shift from image to image, but if instead
you click-drag the rectangular button on the bar immediately under the
image, which sits between < and > , so as to drag through the images, the
AstroImageJ app just freezes and has to be "Force Quit."

This is a Mac-specific but reported by Paul York who is taking the Exoplanet Observing AAVSO course
and verified to now affect Windows by Bill Weiss.

This is with the latest-greatest versions (latest AstroImageJ daily build on latest macOS "Big Sur" 11.0.1).

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Re: freeze -- Mac-specific -- scrolling through stack

Hi Brian,

I don't use a Mac enough to have noticed this up until now, but I can reproduce it now on my Mac given this trouble report. However, I am unable to reproduce this on Windows. I am running the latest Windows version of AIJ

Could someone provide more information on the Windows system where this is seen, along with the AIJ version being used, and any special steps required to see the problem?


On 12/8/2020 7:16 PM, brianrhill [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
Probably this will be a low-priority bug report, since it is Mac-specific. Here goes:

On the Image Display Screen, when a stack of images are loaded,
it works to use the < and > buttons to shift from image to image, but if instead
you click-drag the rectangular button on the bar immediately under the
image, which sits between < and > , so as to drag through the images, the
AstroImageJ app just freezes and has to be "Force Quit."

This is a Mac-specific but reported by Paul York who is taking the Exoplanet Observing AAVSO course
and verified to now affect Windows by Bill Weiss.

This is with the latest-greatest versions (latest AstroImageJ daily build on latest macOS "Big Sur" 11.0.1).


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