find a way to reduce data scattering

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find a way to reduce data scattering

elahe lashgari
Dear karena,

I plotted a light curve relative to a Delta Scuti, data are so scattered. I wanted to ask if there is any way to reduce this scattering by AIJ?



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Re: find a way to reduce data scattering

Hi Ela,

Is AIJ causing the scatter, or is it the Delta Scuti variations, or maybe under-exposure? How many total ADU are in your aperture? What is the time scale on X-axis?


On 10/1/2020 5:51 AM, elahe lashgari [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
Dear karena,

I plotted a light curve relative to a Delta Scuti, data are so scattered. I wanted to ask if there is any way to reduce this scattering by AIJ?



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