change Measurements table format from .tlb to Excel

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change Measurements table format from .tlb to Excel

Hi everyone--

I would prefer to save my resulting photometry measurements tables as Excel sheets (e.g. .xls) rather than as .tbl

In saving the Measurements, there seems to be no option to do that.

Would appreciate any ideas, thnx!

Steve S.
SPARQ Observatory

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Re: change Measurements table format from .tlb to Excel

The default .tbl files are tab-delimited files and can be opened in Excel as such. If you prefer, measurements tables can instead be renamed to .xls by default by going to AIJ_Toolbar > Edit > Options > Input/Output and typing in .xls as the extension (to replace .tbl), but the file will still be a tab delimited data file. However, that would allow a double-click of the measurements table file to open it in Excel.

The reason for the .tbl default is that you can associate it with AstroImageJ.exe so that you can double-click a measurements table and reopen it (and its associated plotcfg file, if present) into AIJ, even if AIJ is not open.

Users can set the default according to their preferred operation. The setting will persist across sessions (i.e. you will not have to reset it every time).
