Hi Robert,
Welcome to AIJ. Do your plate solves always fail exactly at slices 10, 29, and 40? If so, does this same pattern occur
when using a different stack of images?
Some more feedback for now:
I would use more like a max of 50 stars for the plate solve, if there are that many in the field (although I don't
expect this is the source of your problem).
There is a known issue where at times one or more of the astrometry.net server's processor cores hang, which causes
plate solves to fail every ~N images (where N is the number of cores on the astrometry.net server (N=8 the last time I
had this problem)). Also, network problems can cause random failures. If one of those two things is happening, the only
choice is to run astrometry again on the images that didn't solve. If you enable "Skip Images with WCS" in the
astrometry setup panel, AIJ will only attempt to re-solve image slices that do not already have a valid WCS header, so
you will not have to go through by hand and find the images that failed.
If you are using a Windows based PC, I'd recommend installing the local astrometry.net server as described here:
http://astroimagej.1065399.n5.nabble.com/AstroImageJ-3-2-0-Released-new-local-astrometry-net-server-supported-for-Windows-users-td338.htmlIt is more reliable than the network connected version.