Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

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Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

Is anyone experiencing issues when using variable aperture photometry? I get null results when I run it.  I've gone back to fixed aperture photometry and that seems to be working fine.
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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

I use the variable aperture option often and haven't seen a problem. We'd need an example set of a few images you are using and a backup of your preferences file (Multi-plot Main > File (near the bottom)) to see if we can duplicate what you are seeing.

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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

Will do. Any input on the RA/Dec coordinate issue I mentioned?
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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

In reply to this post by karenacollins
Hi Karen,

It does not matter what image files I'm processing - the variable aperture photometry fails on all of them. And currently, I'm collecting hundreds of measurements per night.

I have attached a backup of my AIJ preferences.AIJ_Prefs_userbackup.txt 

Best regards,

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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

Hi Gary,

I ran a stack of 10 images using your AIJ_Prefs file and I get a valid relative flux for each image (see below). I noticed that auto comp stars is not turned on. Are you manually selecting a comp star? I selected one manually for my run. Other than that, I made no changes to your set up.

Or is this only happening when running from a Macro? If so, can you check outside the macro environment to see if the problem still shows when you run AIJ interactively?

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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

Hi Karen,

I typically pick my comp stars manually.  I'm seeing the failure as I go through the DP.  After I select my target and comps with variable apertures selected, the differential photometry starts but no values are written in the measurement file for the relative flux.  Let me see if can provide additional info.

Best regards,

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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

Ok, we see some odd things happening with variable aperture running Multi-Aperture under Data Processor. Looking into it and will report back here. Thanks for the report.
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Re: Variable Aperture Photometry Fails

This should now be fixed in the new build 5.2.1 and thereafter. Let us know if you are still having issues.
