Using Aperture to find flux

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Using Aperture to find flux

So I'm trying to get the H-alpha flux of a nebula and when I use the aperture tool a circle with T1=somebignumber next to it. Is this the flux? If so this gives me a magnitude of about -30 which doesn't seem right. Any help?
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Re: Using Aperture to find flux


The value associated with the aperture is the total integrated counts. In other words, it is the value after summing all of the pixel ADUs within the aperture.


On 11/15/2016 11:36 AM, CassCrowe [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
So I'm trying to get the H-alpha flux of a nebula and when I use the aperture tool a circle with T1=somebignumber next to it. Is this the flux? If so this gives me a magnitude of about -30 which doesn't seem right. Any help?

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