Updated Manual / User Guide

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Updated Manual / User Guide

Dear every1, I just installed AIJ and figure out that the user-guide is outdated. Are there any plans to update the manual/user-guide?
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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Indeed the user guide is way outdated. We do hope to update when software development and bug fixes are better under control (we are only a two part-time person team).

In the meantime, I recommend Dennis Conti's guide and examples as the best getting started approach.

The AIJ paper expanded version is also freely available and more recent.

Questions not answered in the paper or Dennis guide can be posted here.

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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Hi Karen, I found this material which could be a good start for a AIJ newbie to read:

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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Thanks! I also pinned this link on the main page with its own topic.
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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Hi Karen,
I am a 63 year old student undertaking a masters level subject in Observational Astrophysics. I don’t have a computing background (retired airline pilot) but I know my around reasonably well - but I’m having all sorts of problems with AIJ.
After I place my aperture on the target star, the multi-aperture tool disappears immediately and a log entry  says something about a 5000ms period and the mp closing after 0 seconds ( I can’t get the log entry back at the moment). Then when I right click or select enter, mostly nothing happens. Except sometimes I get lucky, don’t know why, and everything opens, but it only processes one image.
I’m on a Mac computer, running Ventura 13.6.7. Also, I have downloaded then uninstalled many versions to try to get it to work. On more than a few occasions, the programme returns with CD data and folder data still inserted -as if placing the programme in the bin then emptying doesn’t fully uninstall the programme, although I know this is an issue for the Mac. However, on one or two occasions, I must have found all the right buttons, because the new install had blank data. Yet still, even when everything seems ok, only image is processed.
Any ideas, please?
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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Have you been using AIJ with no problems, and then these problems started to occur? Or, have you had these problems from initially starting to use AIJ? If the former, please try going to Multi-Aperture > File > Restore all default AIJ Preferences. It will ask you to save a back up of the current preferences. Note where you are saving the file. If this fixes the problem, send us the backed up file. If it doesn't fix the problem, you can use the backed up file to restore your preferences to what you had using Restore all AIJ preferences from backup file (in the same menu). We can decide on next steps from there.

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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

Please forward your AIJ_Prefs.txt file to karenacollins atatat outlook dotdot com.
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Re: Updated Manual / User Guide

In reply to this post by AstroT
Hi, I found this Youtube Tutorial very useful:


Best regards,