Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

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Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

Can anyone advice on where to find the 1-sigma uncertainties for the best-fit model parameters?
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Re: Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

AIJ does not currently implement MCMC fitting, so not uncertainties are extracted. We are planning to introduce MCMC fitting and uncertainty support in 2025.

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Re: Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

Thank you Karen. Your quick feedback is much appreciated!

Does that mean AIJ currently does not report any parameter uncertainties at all?
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Re: Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

AIJ computes per point photometric uncertainties, but currently provides no fitted transit model uncertainties. Since global fits to all available data are normally performed for publications using MCMC-based tools such as EXOFAST, AIJ MCMC fitting has been a lower AIJ development priority. However, we recognize that single light curve MCMC (and the resulting transit model uncertainties) would be useful for some users, so we expect to implement MCMC in 2025. After AIJ MCMC implementation, AIJ will extract and provide transit model uncertainties.  

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Re: Uncertainties in best-fit model parameters

Fully understand. Thank you for your work and maintaining AIJ!