Thanks so much for speedy reply. For amateurs like me it is sometimes tricky to know what effects are minor and what could really be material!!
All best
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On 5 Nov 2019, at 14:41, karenacollins [via AstroImageJ] <[hidden email]> wrote:
My understanding is that the USNO leap-sec website will be down until April 2020. However, there will not be another leap sec update until at least next June. The current value to enter into AIJ's "Leap-secs" box is still 37 seconds. If you are reducing current
datasets and you don't see 37 in the box already, deselect "Auto" and type 37 into the box. If you are reducing historical data, turn "Auto" back on and let AIJ figure out the correct leap-sec value to use.
A final comment: The difference between today's value and the latest default value when the AIJ table was published is only a few seconds. If you are reducing ground-based data, the offset from the original default value is likely negligible. In that case,
just don't worry about updating until next April or later.
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