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Dennis Conti
AIJ’s NEB analysis routine “Create NEB search reports and plots,” which is accessible from AIJ’s Multi-plot Main File dropdown, has been updated to include the features listed below that accommodate multiple runs with changing aperture sizes. Make sure that you are running AIJ version or later with the latest Daily Build.

1. Informational messages regarding the location of stored files will now always be included at the
end of an analysis run. In lieu of a selection option on the main dialogue page asking the user to opt for this, this selection option is now replaced with one asking if the user wants to include in the log window progress messages when file(s) are input, processed, etc.

2. After the normal user dialogue, the user will select an AIJ measurement file in the usual way.  The user will then be prompted whether there is another measurement file to also be processed.  If there is, the user will select a second file and then be prompted again. This will continue for additional files until the user chooses not to select another file.

3. Once the last (or only) measurement file has been selected, the routine will create the usual NEB table and plots as before for that particular aperture run.

4. If there were multiple measurement files selected and after they are all processed, the routine will automatically create a summary NEB table that contains the “best result” for each star for all of the aperture size runs. This summary NEB table will be in a new folder called Best-Aperture-Results. See below for a definition of “best result.”

5. The routine will then begin pulling from each of the individual runs the plots corresponding to the best result for each star. These will be copied into a new subfolder, which will be found in the Best-Aperture-Results folder.

6. A  list of stats on how many stars are in each disposition is added at the end of each individual NEB table, as well as the summary table.

7. Finally, the version number of the NEB analysis routine now appears in the title line on the user dialogue page.

The selection of the “best results” for a given star is based on the “best disposition” and the highest NEBdepth/RMS ratio within runs with the same disposition. One constraint is that the measurement files names follow the standard TFOP SG1 naming convention with the prefix of “TICname_date_observatory_filter_....”.

For any questions, please contact Dennis Conti at dennis@astrodennis.com.