Unfortunately there is currently no way
to skip an image in single step mode. I can see the usefulness of
such a feature and will look at adding the capability. The best
work around right now is to remove the undesired slice from the
stack before starting Multi-Aperture. You can easily remove a
slice by displaying the slice in the stack and then pressing the
delete slice icon

the image. This will delete the slice from memory, but not from
the hard drive. You would need to reload the stack if you need to
analyze the deleted slice at a later time.
You can delete a slice while you are running Multi-Aperture, but
the last slice will be processed twice unless you press escape to
manually end the measurements at the new last slice. That is a
slight bug that I need to fix.
On 10/12/2013 4:09 PM, carlajune [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
Is there a way to skip a frame while doing the single
step mode for Multi-Aperture Measurements?