Save a subset of the measurement table data to a tab delimited file

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Save a subset of the measurement table data to a tab delimited file

This feature may be helpful when sharing data with collaborators and you prefer to not send the entire measurements table.
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Re: Save a subset of the measurement table data to a tab delimited file

With a measurements table open in Multi-plot, select Multi-plot Main->"Save data subset to file..." and the dialog below will open. Select the data columns you want to save. Leave any extra selection boxes empty and they will not generate a data column. If you desire to include the column headings on the first line, enable the checkbox as shown below. If you desire to include a '#' character at the beginning of the first line to indicate a comment line, enable that option as shown below.

Press OK and a file save dialog will open. Enter the desired path name and file name and click "Save".