I think the best bet to get the deepest understanding relative to CCDs is to check out the three references provided in the paper included below. My 1000 foot level response would be that generally when an application (Gain) is added to a system, noise is expected to be increased. However, the term "Gain" used relative to CCDs is really a loss. As stated in the same section of the paper, Gain is defined as G = electrons/ADU. So if your detector has a "Gain" of 1.5, that means when you have 150 electrons in a well, those electrons get converted to 100 ADU at the end of the chip (i.e. actually a loss).
I don't have any experience with CMOS detectors yet, but I expect similar conventions would be passed along. Maybe other users have more to add.
Also, for future reference, links to the AIJ papers are provided at the top of the main page on the forum.
-Mortara, L., & Fowler, A. 1981, in Proc. SPIE, Vol. 290, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 28
-Howell, S. B. 1989, PASP, 101, 616
-Howell, S. B. 2006, Handbook of CCD Astronomy (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press)