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Retain WCS info when stacking?

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Retain WCS info when stacking?

When stacking a few (3-5) plate solved images for better SNR (AVE Stack), I note that the WCS information seems to be lost.

I could always plate solve again, but wondered if there was a check box somewhere that would allow me to retain it?

This is for measuring faint double stars or stars with faint companions, and the WCS info is used to confirm the identity of the components.

Thanks and clear skies,

Brad Vietje
Newbury, VT
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Re: Retain WCS info when stacking?

Hi Brad,

There is not currently an option to automatically update the headers while running Image_Menus->Process->"Combine stack
slices into single image".

However, if you update to the latest "daily build" version of AIJ, there is a new option in Image_Menus->Process called
"Copy FITS header to this image", which allows you to do just that. Future versions of AIJ will provide an automatic
default copy, but it must be done in a separate menu selection as of now.

That said, unless your combined images were perfectly aligned, I would plate solve again, even after copying an example
header, particularly given the work you mentioned that you are doing.


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Re: Retain WCS info when stacking?

Thank you, Karen -- you must dream in AIJ!

Clear skies,

Brad Vietje
Newbury, VT