Re: Problem in installing AstroImageJ successfully in MAC

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Re: Problem in installing AstroImageJ successfully in MAC


There are workarounds for recent versions of OSX. Please go through these threads on the user forum to see if they help resolve your problem:

If you are running OSX Sierra, you will need to follow this thread:


P.S. You must always open (or a clone on the desktop) to open AIJ properly (after completing one of the above fixes). Opening ij.jar will not open the program properly.

On 2/21/2017 8:00 AM, Stalin [via AstroImageJ] wrote:

I am able to install AstroImageJ in my desktop running Fedora. However, I am facing problem in getting AstroImageJ installed in a MAC laptop. I followed the procedure given in the installation manual. I downloaded the zip file, unzipped it and moved the AstroImageJ directory to the Applications folder. I opened that folder and moved the AstroImageJ to the dock. Now, when I click AstroImageI image from the dock I get the following message

The application "AstroImage" can't be opened

To overcome this I copied the file "ij.jar" from the area /Applications/AstroImageJ/ and put it in the desktop. Now when I click on "ij.jar" I am getting the AsroImageJ toolbar but in the toolbar I get only 12 icons. I am not getting any icons after Astro-Mode icon,including the Astro-Mode icon. The AstroImage_user_guide mentions that I should get all the icons as mentioned in the user guide. I request help in doing a successful installation in MAC. Thanks in advance.

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