I will need to check out and potentially debug the RGB-Composer plugin
when I get more time. AIJ's special image display sometimes requires
minor changes to plugins for compatibility. However, I think the same
functionality is available under the "Color" menu above the image
display. Here are the steps to create a color RGB image from 3 separate
gray scale images:
1) Open the 3 images to be composed into a RGB color image
2) Then select Color->Images To Stack
3) Select Scale->Fixed brightness & contrast (per image slice)
[this allows to change the contrast of each RGB stack slice
independently so that the desired color combination can be achieved]
4) Select Color->Make composite color image, and keep the default
"Composite" display mode
5) Adjust the contrast of each resulting slice to obtain the desired
image color combination
[the color image is displayed in the stack display]
[see the info line above to image to know which slice corresponds to
which color]
6) Select Color->Convert RBG stack to color image