Problem with AstroImageJ and AstroCC with Java SE 7 Update 4 on Apple OSX

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Problem with AstroImageJ and AstroCC with Java SE 7 Update 4 on Apple OSX

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Apparently there is a networking problem with Oracle's Java SE 7 Update 4 for Apple / Mac OS X that prevents network access in Java applications. The problem causes AstroCC and AstroImageJ Coordinate Converter to show an error message indicating no network access when a networking function is activated. This problem causes SIMBAD name resolution, BJD time calculations from Ohio State's website, the SIMBAD link, and the SKY-MAP link to not function.

The recommended solution at this time is to not upgrade to Oracle's Java SE 7 Update 4 for Apple / Mac OS X. Hopefully the issue will be resolved by Oracle soon.

However, if you require the Java update for other reasons, use the work-around shown in the last line below. Unfortunately the work-around only corrects the network access problem when AstroCC is started from the command line of a terminal window. At this time, there is no work-around when opening AstroCC by double clicking the AstroCC.jar file or opening the program from the AstroCC website.

The problem description from Oracle:

Area: java/classes_nio
Synopsis: hang due to poll(2) bug [macosx]

An issue with the Mac OS X poll(2) system call has been found to cause
problems for networking applications based on the java.nio socket channel
classes. This issue has been detected with the Oracle WebLogic Server on Mac

A workaround to mitigate the problem is setting the following system
property on the Java command line:

For the original report, see:
