Problem in installing AstroImageJ successfully in MAC

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Problem in installing AstroImageJ successfully in MAC


I am able to install AstroImageJ in my desktop running Fedora. However, I am facing problem in getting AstroImageJ installed in a MAC laptop. I followed the procedure given in the installation manual. I downloaded the zip file, unzipped it and moved the AstroImageJ directory to the Applications folder. I opened that folder and moved the AstroImageJ to the dock. Now, when I click AstroImageI image from the dock I get the following message

The application "AstroImage" can't be opened

To overcome this I copied the file "ij.jar" from the area /Applications/AstroImageJ/ and put it in the desktop. Now when I click on "ij.jar" I am getting the AsroImageJ toolbar but in the toolbar I get only 12 icons. I am not getting any icons after Astro-Mode icon,including the Astro-Mode icon. The AstroImage_user_guide mentions that I should get all the icons as mentioned in the user guide. I request help in doing a successful installation in MAC. Thanks in advance.