Plotting tips?

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Plotting tips?

Hello,  I am relatively new to AstroimageJ I but have read the tutorials and have been able to generate the sample light curve for the provided Wasp12b sample data.
Typically my main field of interest is providing astrometric data to the minor planet center for various asteroids and NEO's. However I have recently become intrigued with the possibility of generating light curves. While I understand the very basics, I am trying to wrap my head around using AstroimageJ properly.

When trying to use my own fits images, it seems that my measurements will not plot a chart. It is only blank.
I calibrate my images, with darks, flats and bias by using Pixinsight instead of the DP processor in AIJ. Is this a problem? I would think that fits files that work for astrometrica would also be suitable for AIJ.

I must be missing something when trying to plot my data. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Plotting tips?

Hi Randy,

Calibrating the images outside AIJ should not cause a problem. Note though that DP may be adding some FITS header info
(depending on your settings) to your calibrated images. If you are using one of several "time" FITS headers that AIJ can
add to the headers (such as BJD_TDB), then you may need to change the "Default X-data" setting to something that is
available in your headers. AIJ is usually able to create "J.D.-240000" as a time data column as long as there is some
time information in the header. I would try selecting that as your "Default X-data" setting. If that does not solve you
problem, you can email me your measurementsTable and plotcfg files to karenacollins atat outlook dotdot com, and I will
try to let you know which settings need to be changed.


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Re: Plotting tips?

Hi Karen,

Thanks for the reply. Changing the Default X-data to J.D. -240000 seems to have have worked.
I'm still trying to put all the context into reference as there is a lot to take in.
One question about the plotcfg files.
I am using the default file that came with the WaspB sample data. Is a custom plotcfg file what is needed for each object or does the default work in most cases. Unsure how that is generated if it is a custom file.

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Re: Plotting tips?

Hi Randy,

The plotcfg file is just a starting point to help get a new user started. You can tweak the settings as needed for your
data and display size. All settings are remembered between AIJ sessions, so you should be able to start back with the
same settings you ended with on your previous AIJ session. However, you can save plot settings to a plotcfg file
yourself by going to Multi-Plot_Main->File->"Save plot configuration" for plot setups that you may want to repeat in the
future. Any plotcfg file can be opened at Multi-Plot_Main->File->"Open plot configuration from file".
