Hi Gavin,
After performing a "save all" and working on a different project, you can resume a previously saved project by opening Multi-Plot (
) from the AIJ Toolbar, then go to Multi-Plot_Main->File->"Open table
and plot configuration file..." and select the measurements table you want to resume. As long as the prefix of the plotcfg file is the same as the measurements table, it will also be opened at the same time so your plot settings will be restored too. If you
want to also open the the apertures as previously defined and saved, you can do that too from the File menu in the image display panel.
As a shortcut, with Multi-Plot open, drag the desired measurements table from a GUI-based file navigator OS window and drop it onto one of the Multi-plot panels. The measurements table and plot settings will both be restored immediately. With an image open,
drag and drop an apertures file onto the image to restore the aperture settings.
If you truly want to restore every setting in AIJ, first save them using Multi-Plot_Main->File->"Save all AIJ preferences to a backup file", then "Restore all AIJ preferences from a backup file". For the save to catch all settings, you need to make sure
all AIJ windows are closed except the toolbar and Multi-Plot panels. This method is particularly handy if you want to move your settings from one computer to another (and it works across MS Windows, Mac, and Linux).
I almost always use the shortcut described in the second paragraph.