Opening Rice compressed FITS

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Opening Rice compressed FITS

I've been trying to open Rice compressed files but without success. I wonder if you had any plans to add this functionality.

I work for Las Cumbres Observatory and all of our archive is Rice compressed. Some of our software engineers have updated a similar package to AstroImageJ (SalsaJ) so it can open FZ files, using the nom.tam.fits library. You can see the commit history on GitHub ( if that's helpful.

We have around 1500 users and would love them to be able to use AstroImageJ with our data. Please let me know if I can help make this happen.


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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

Hi Edward,

Thanks for pointing out that apparently the Rice decompression code has been ported to Java, and specifically that it
has been merged with SalsaJ. This will be an important new feature for AIJ, but it may take me a month or so to get time
to look into the implementation.

Thanks again for making this suggested improvement to AIJ!


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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

HI Karen,

Wonderful news! Please let me know if you need any help. Some of my software engineer colleagues helped the SalsaJ folks by doing the integration with the nom.tam.fits. I'm sure they would be more than happy to help out again.


On 31 May 2017 at 12:02, karenacollins [via AstroImageJ] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Edward,

Thanks for pointing out that apparently the Rice decompression code has been ported to Java, and specifically that it
has been merged with SalsaJ. This will be an important new feature for AIJ, but it may take me a month or so to get time
to look into the implementation.

Thanks again for making this suggested improvement to AIJ!


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Dr Edward Gomez
Education Director - Las Cumbres Observatory
School of Physics & Astronomy, Cardiff University
+44 (0) 29 2087 5121

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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

Hi Karen,

Just wondering if you'd had any time to look at adding Rice compression support. I know of quite a few groups which are really looking forward to having this feature. At the moment they have to uncompress all their FITS data before using AstroImageJ.

Let me know if I can help!


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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

Hi Edward,

I took at a look at the github code you provided a link for. I see a new fits java file that appears to be for the
purpose of opening fz files, but I'm not clear how that interfaces with the fits-reader code (or if it does). Do you
know how to run the github code? I downloaded it, but there doesn't seem to be a java executable.

I also installed the latest (Oct. 2012) SalsaJ version from here:

It will not open fz files. Is there a way to merge the two installations, or is there an installation package for a
version of SalsaJ that uses the code from github that will open fz files?


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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

Hi Karen,

Thanks for looking into this. It looks like they haven't deployed the latest version yet (I've pinged the maintainer again). My colleague Mark Bowman did the updates and I can see that Eu-HoU have pulled them into their master GitHub branch:

I'm not a java developer but I think a Jar file has to be built using Maven (?).

Mark has made his own jar file of the update, which you can use in place of the one you downloaded from EU-HoU website, to try it out.

Let me know if thats enough to go on. If not I'll ask Mark to weigh in.

Thanks again.

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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

Could you ask Mark for an overview of how he tied the code into the underlying IJ file opener code? I scanned and couldn't see any connection there.


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Re: Opening Rice compressed FITS

In reply to this post by zemogle
Just FYI, the jar file at the link below indeed opens an fz compressed file. However, it would still be helpful to have
a primer for how all of this was integrated into the IJ code.

If you want, you and Mark feel free to communicate directly with me at karenacollins atat outlook dotdot com until we
get the code integrated.
