Observatories.txt file error

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Observatories.txt file error

Mark Salisbury

I am having a problem with setting up my own list of observatories.  At the moment when I open cordinate converter I get an error message that says

"ERROR: Could not create observatories.txt file for user customisation".  

If I click OK the message goes away and CC works fine.  However now I would like to create a custom list of observatories so I selected the "use custom observatories list" in CC preferences but now, after restarting, I get an error message saying

"No custom observatory list found at: C:\PROGRA~2\AIJ\ASTROI~\observatories.txt.  using internal observatory list. "

I would be really grateful if someone could explain how I can clear these errors and set up my custom list of observatories?

Many thnaks

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Re: Observatories.txt file error

Hi Mark,

You either need to install AIJ in a user-writable directory such as
C:\Users\username\documents in Windows OS (or similar in other other
OSs), or you need to make the installation directory in another location
writable by the user and the application. I'm not sure which OS you are
running, but Windows 10 has made the C:\Program Files directory write
protected by default. If you installed AIJ there, you will need to
un-"write-protect" the installation folder using the folder
properties->security settings for the AIJ folder. If you are
uncomfortable with diving that deep into windows OS issues, just use the
first approach above.

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Re: Observatories.txt file error

Mark Salisbury
Hi Karen

Well guessed, I am using Windows 10 so changing the write protection has solved the problem.

Many thanks.
