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No possible update

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No possible update

Christophe M.
2 posts
Dear admin,

I just have discovered your excellent software and have performed version 3.0 installation under win 8.1 64bits.
It seems I'm unable to update the soft using the Help\Update AstroImageJ menu.

When doing this, I got this error message :
"File not found: C:\_chris\logiciels install%c3%a9s\AstroImageJ\AstromageJ\ij.jar"

Error message which contain the install path on my PC.

How can I solve this issue ?

Thank you so much for helping,
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Re: No possible update

Christophe M.
2 posts
Dear Admin,

Sorry about my previous mail. Indeed it was quite simple to resolve, as it was a case/accent sensitive issue in the path.

Congratulations for this valuable soft.
