Multi-apperture photomery: how to plot measured Source-Sky or Amag values vs real magnitudes. And how delete unusage apertures.

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Multi-apperture photomery: how to plot measured Source-Sky or Amag values vs real magnitudes. And how delete unusage apertures.

1) I want to see the quality of the measurements.
I get magnitudes from APASS catalog and create preliminary apertures: RA,Dec,mag which I import. Thus, I have observation CCD image overlaped by apertures. Then I run Multi-aperture tool which provide me fluxes (Source-Sky) and instrumental magnitudes (AMag). I want to plot Amag vs mag and create linear regression. This allows me estimate the quality of the measurements, accuracy of input magnitudes, binarity of the stars, ...

2) When I import apertures from RA,DE list often several located outside of CCD image. How remove such apertures?