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Multi Plot Y-Data Panel blank

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Multi Plot Y-Data Panel blank

Mark Salisbury
6 posts
Hi Karen

I have recently upgraded to version from the version 3.3 I had been using for a long time.  Oddly now after running photometry all the panels open as expected except the Multi-plot Y-data panel which is a completely blank grey box.  Have I perhaps missed something I need to enable in the new version as I am unable to update the Measurements table with the results of a transit fit?

Many Thanks
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Re: Multi Plot Y-Data Panel blank

1013 posts
Hi Mark,

Did you upgrade by first installing the latest full install package on the AIJ website, and then run the upgrade to get the latest version of v5?

You shouldn't need to do anything extra to see the Multi-Plot Y-data panel. There must be something very specific about your settings that are causing the problem.

Could you go to Multi-Plot Main > File > "Restore all default AIJ Preferences" to restore the preferences to defaults? As part of this process, it will ask you to save your current preferences (or you can do that with the option above this one first if you want). Note the location and name of your backup prefs file.

If that fixes your problem, then please send me your backup preferences file, along with the measurements table that you created, so that we can try to figure out which setting is causing the problem.

If it did not correct your problem, you can reload your backup prefs file to restore your settings, and let us know that the default settings didn't fix the problem, so we can come up with our next diagnostic.

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Re: Multi Plot Y-Data Panel blank

Mark Salisbury
6 posts
Hi Karen

Yes I installed new and then ran the update.

This seems to be working now.  When I went and manually started the multi plot tool without running photometry to make the changes suggested, the Y-data panel opened fine.  It now seems to to working OK as well after I run photometry.

Thanks for your prompt response though.

