Multi-Plot Main not working

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Multi-Plot Main not working


My AIJ will not plot light curves when I use the multi-aperture photometry tool. I get a message in the log when I try to use it and it won't create the table. When I use the tool again, it will actually do the multi-aperture photometry, but will not plot. I know the issue is with my AIJ_Prefs.txt file, so I will also include the file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Multi-Plot Main not working

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your report. Somehow the fitting tolerance got set to zero in your AIJ_Prefs.txt file. I'm not sure how that happened, but must have been some path that we have not identified yet. For now if we see fit tolerance set to zero, we set it back to the default value so that Multiplot can continue to operate. That will be released in an upcoming build, but that may be a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, you can just delete the current AIJ_Prefs.txt file and start AIJ, which will recreate the file with defaults. If you have settings that you don't want to loose, then you could edit the AIJ_Prefs.txt and search for ".plot.tolerance0=0.0". Delete that line and save the prefs file.

Hopefully one of those work arounds will be good for you until we release a new version of AIJ.
