Multi-Aperture Not Working

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Multi-Aperture Not Working

I have looked at Gary Hawkins' posts, but the responses there do not seem to solve my issue.
I am running AIJ Version 5.3.2.
When I click on the multi-aperture tool from the main menu, I get the following error message:

AIJ; ImageJ 1.54h2; Java 18.0.2 [64-bit]; Mac OS X 12.7.1; 22MB of 12288MB (<1%)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "astroj.AstroStackWindow.getLiveStatistics()" because "this.asw" is null
        at Astronomy.MultiAperture_.addFancyDialog(
        at Astronomy.MultiAperture_.dialog(
        at Astronomy.MultiAperture_.setUpApertures(
        at ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner.processOneImage(
        at ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner.<init>(
        at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(
        at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(
        at ij.Executer.runCommand(
        at ij.macro.Functions.doRun(
        at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction(
        at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(
        at ij.macro.Interpreter.doBlock(
        at ij.macro.Interpreter.runMacro(
        at java.base/ Source)

I tried to downgrade to an older version of AIJ that I know was working, and this is the message I get:

Network Error! Check your internet connection. If good, the update server at the University of Louisville may be down. In that case, try the update at a later time.

My network is up, so I'm wondering if the update server is indeed down. ?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Re: Multi-Aperture Not Working

The AIJ update server is indeed out of service this weekend. We are hoping it is back in Service on Monday (2024 Feb 25).

Regarding the error message you reported, I haven't been able to find a way to make it happen on my Mac. It is running OS X 12.7.2 instead of 12.7.1, but I wouldn't expect that is the problem.

Could you try resetting your AIJ preferences by opening Multi-Plot, then using File > "Restore all default AIJ Preferences" to see if that fixes the problem? During the restoration of defaults, you will create a prefs backup file. Please send us that file directly to karenacollins atat outlook dotdot com.


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Re: Multi-Aperture Not Working

Resetting prefs to defaults seemed to solve the problem.

However, when I went to edit the "Aperture Settings" from a stack of images, the box went away and I couldn't open up the Multi Aperture Tool again. Instead, there was a message in the main AIJ toolbar, and it said something about the stack being locked. I also tried this with a single image. Same thing happens.

At any rate, they're looking into it!