Java Access to Star Centroids

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Java Access to Star Centroids

Bill Bertrand
Is there programming access to the Single Aperture Photometry (SAP) tool?  My use case is celestial navigation and I am only interested in the start/planet centroid to get sub pixel plate position.

I see the SAP is not recorded by the Macro recording so I am hoping there is API access to get the centroid.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Java Access to Star Centroids

Hi Bill,

AIJ was not originally intended as a scriptable tool, but AIJ user GeorgeF has found a very creative way through the use of ImageJ macros to access AIJ functionality using the preference settings that AIJ uses to store and recall all settings between AIJ sessions. I unfortunately don't have time right now to support your effort directly, but I would encourage you to review the documentation and examples on this post by user GeorgeF:

Perhaps if you are close to a solution and have some small questions about George's approach, a brief description of your question in the above post could possibly result in a response by George, if he has time.


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Re: Java Access to Star Centroids

Bill Bertrand
Thank you Karen for the pointer.  I will dig into GeorgeF's work and see if I can plagiarize it and I will let you know what I find.  BTW, I have a horizon detection algorithm working in AIJ/IJ.  I am willing to share it but I may be the only person using AIJ interested in horizons.

Thanks again,
Bill B