Is there any way to tell what aperture size is being used?

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Is there any way to tell what aperture size is being used?

Elias Holte
I'm working with AIJ alongside some other programs and I've noticed that when AIJ varies the aperture size the resulting measurements show a noticeable reduction in noise (not too much of a surprise there). Next I wanting to calculate the error with these measurements but my abilities are limited without knowing  the aperture sizes used. Is there anyway I can figure out what aperture sizes that AIJ used for each star throughout the night?

FYI, using Windows 10, 64 bit.
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Re: Is there any way to tell what aperture size is being used?

Hi Elias,

When using the variable aperture mode, AIJ puts the actual aperture size
used in each image in the "Source_Radius" column in the measurements
table. All of the measurement table data columns are described in the
last appendix of the AIJ paper on arXiv here

By the way, AIJ automatically calculates photometric error, as described
in the AIJ paper. This includes all sources of error, except noise from
atmospheric seeing, which can be difficult to accurately estimate in
differential photometry.
