When you right-click on a star in an image that is plate-solved, the panel shown below will pop-up. Make sure "Search SIMBAD (next time)" is enabled as shown. If it was not enabled, click ok and right-click again on the star to reopen the panel. If the star has a SIMBAD identifier (or identifiers), they will show in the pull down menu. In the example below, the only identifier is TYC-7363-747-1. Brighter stars may have more identifiers. Faint stars will have no identifiers and will show only the X,Y coordinates and RA/Dec (if plate-solved).
You may also enable "Show in SIMBAD (next time)". This option will open the associated SIMBAD web page in your browser so that you can see all SIMBAD data on the star, including a full list of identifiers.