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Install issues with AIJ

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Install issues with AIJ

Dennis Conti
Attempting to install AIJ V5 on a new computer:
1.  Installed AIJ V5.
2.  Installed JAVA Version 8 Update 371

When attempted to start AIJ, got the following error dialogue from "Launcher":

"A valid Java installation was found, failed to start. Please check the launch arguments as they may be invalid. Please contact the developers."

When I clicked OK in this dialogue box, the following error dialogue occurred again from "Launcher":

"A missing or older Java installation was found. Please install Java."

Tried restarting computer after the Java install and still got the above error messages.

Dennis Conti
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Re: Install issues with AIJ

AIJ v5 requires at least Java 17, if you are not using the packaged runtime you will need to install Java 17.

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Re: Install issues with AIJ

Dennis Conti
Problem solved by reinstalling AIJ.
