I'm very much of a newbie to AstroImageJ, so this might be a dumb question. I am currently only doing photometry on variable stars. I find AstroImageJ very interesting, but to be able to do the photometry easy, I would like to import varible and comparison star data from existing databases. Is there a way to do that now? I cannot find it in the documentation. Magnus Larsson |
Hi Magnus,
Currently there's no import capability directly from a database. However, if you can extract the stars from a database outside AIJ, you can use the import Image_Window->File->"Import Apertures from RA/Dec" option to load them into AIJ. To see the format needed, use multi-aperture to place a couple of apertures in an image or image stack and run photometry. Then use "Export apertures to RA/Dec list". The text file that is written describes the format in comments at the top. The input text file should look like this: ---------------------------------------------------- #RA in decimal or sexagesimal HOURS #Dec in decimal or sexagesimal DEGREES #Ref Star=0,1,missing (0=target star, 1=ref star, missing->first ap=target, others=ref) #Centroid=0,1,missing (0=do not centroid, 1=centroid, missing=centroid) #Apparent Magnitude or missing (value = apparent magnitude, or value > 99 or missing = no mag info) #Add one comma separated line per aperture in the following format: #RA, Dec, Ref Star, Centroid, Magnitude 04:32:43.058, -39:47:31.40, 0, 1, 99.999 04:31:52.321, -39:47:14.47, 1, 1, 99.999 04:31:55.073, -39:37:00.49, 1, 1, 99.999 04:32:12.475, -39:33:20.93, 1, 1, 99.999 04:33:02.920, -39:42:45.28, 1, 1, 99.999 04:31:58.477, -39:47:56.08, 1, 1, 99.999 04:32:36.755, -39:46:05.24, 1, 1, 99.999 04:32:48.209, -39:56:24.66, 1, 1, 99.999 Karen On 3/15/2020 4:56 PM, magnusl [via
AstroImageJ] wrote:
Hi! |
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