Impact on binning on CCD parameters (gain, readout noise, dark current)

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Impact on binning on CCD parameters (gain, readout noise, dark current)

The AIJ checklist mentions in section C.4.i that the values for the CCD (gain, readout noise, dark current) need to be adjusted for binned images. Could you please explain what values I have to enter in AIJ for the following actual observation of TrES-3b using an Atik 460EX with a 14" RC scope. I have used 3x3 binning and the CCD parameters are: Gain (e-/ADU): 0.27 Readout noise (e-): 5 Dark current (e-/pixel/sec): 0.004 Do I need to multiply all three values by 3x3 = 9? Thanks --Sam
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Re: Impact on binning on CCD parameters (gain, readout noise, dark current)

Dennis Conti
Hi Sam,

Since I co-authored the "AIJ Checklist," Karen asked me to respond to you.

The only CCD parameter affected by binning would be dark current. So, if you are binning 3x3, then you need to multiply your dark current value by 9.

Hope this helps,

Dennis Conti
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Re: Impact on binning on CCD parameters (gain, readout noise, dark current)

Thanks Dennis,

you're of course right since the dark current is the only Parameter depending on pixels.
