Image rotation

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Image rotation

Mark Salisbury
Hi Karen

I have a question regarding image rotation in AIJ 3.2.1.

I need to rotate images and overlays either by 90 degrees or ideally by a user definable value.  The option to rotate the images in the process menu rotates the data but does not rotate the overlays, specifically the N-E markers.  The option in the view menu does rotate both the data and the overlay but is only available in 180degree steps.  Is there a way to rotate the data & overlays like this in the current version of AIJ or is it something that is, or could be, included in a future release?

Many thanks

Mark Salisbury.
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Re: Image rotation

Hi Mark,

What you have stated is correct. AIJ currently only supports rotating by
180 degrees. I had initially planned to implement rotation by 90
degrees, but quickly got swamped by many other requests, graduation,
postdoc work, etc, etc. This can be implemented in AIJ, but it will
require some tedious coding and testing, so I'm not sure when I will
have time to implement it, but it is still on the to-do list (and for
what it is worth, I would very much like to have the capability too).
Unfortunately, I will not be able to work on it in the near term.


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Re: Image rotation

Mark Salisbury
OK, I understand Karen.  Many thanks for the response.
