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Icon proposal

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Icon proposal

Hello Karen,

It's been quite a few year I've been using AIJ ... and I've always been thinking that the icon (Saturn) was not totally approriate for our most favorite photometry software.

I don't know if this can be usefull nor appreciated, but I've been working on a new icon, just in case ;-)

No obligation at all to use it !

(Here are samples in GIF and JPG ; I can provide adapted files with different sizes and formats, if needed)


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Re: Icon proposal

Hi Christophe,

I agree that the AIJ icon may not be all that representative of all that AIJ can do, but we've used it for so long now, I'm not sure we'd want to change it. Also, icons need to be very simplistic so that they still render in an recognizable way when squeezed down very small to something like 20 x 20 pixels. I'm pretty sure the detail in the nice graphics you produced might get scrambled when they are rendered down to a very small image.

That said, thank you! We are always open to user suggestions to make AIJ better for the community!
