Yes, DP can update the headers in a batch.
Place all of the files to be processed in the same folder. Then use the asterisks wildcard character to select all the filenames to be matched in the "Science Image Processing" sub-panel of DP. Disable all DP functions except "Science Image Processing", "FITS
Header Updates", and "Save Calibrated Images".
Set "Target Coordinate Source" to "FITS header target RA/Dec (J2000)" and "Observatory Location Source" to "FITS header latitude and longitude".
Set "Polling Interval" to "0".
In the "FITS Header Updates" subpanel, click the yellow wrench tool icon to open the "General FITS Header Settings" panel. In the input subpanel, set the appropriate target RA and Dec keywords and the appropriate Observatory Latitude and Longitude keywords.
In the output subpanel, set the header(s) that you want to update/add. In this case "BJD_TDB".
In the "Save Calibrated Images" subpanel, set the location where updated images will be saved. With all options off except header updates, only the headers will be updated (no calibration will be done). Be sure to set the same image format (16 or 32 bit) as
the original images.
Now click the "Start" button and the headers will be updated and the new files will be written to the folder defined in the previous step.