How to extract the best-fit model data?

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How to extract the best-fit model data?

I would like to plot the best-fit model in my own plotting software. How to extract all the necessary data? That is how to save (time, photometry, error, model) to a specific file?
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Re: How to extract the best-fit model data?

In the Multi-Plot Y-data panel, click the "New Col" icon in the plotting row that shows the transit model displayed. A new panel will pop up where you can select to add new rows to the measurements table. The options include the time photometry error and model (although time is already in the table so probably no need to resave it). After saving the new columns to the measurements table (note the actual new column names that you are saving to), go to Multi-plot Main > "Save Data Subset" and select the columns you want to save to a tab delimited file. If you'd prefer to extract the columns using your plotting program directly from the full measurements table, simply save the measurements table after creating the new columns and click the "Save Data Subset" step (you'd probably want to save the updated measurements table either way in case you want to use the new columns again later).

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Re: How to extract the best-fit model data?

This is much appreciated! Thank you.