How to delete previous apertures

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How to delete previous apertures

I can't find a way to delete previous apertures and start afresh.  Clicking clear overlay only removes the overlay but the apertures are still saved somewhere.  Closing and re-importing the image sequence seems to retain previous apertures.  |Clickin gon each aperture and hitting delete on the Edit aperture window does not seem to clear it.  If I go through and delete all apertures (using Edit Aperture) then save apertures and look at the .aperture file the apertures are still there.  Would I have to go and delete all the details in the .aperture file to clear apertures?
I feel I'm missing something basic here.
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Re: How to delete previous apertures

In the multi-aperture set-up panel, uncheck the "Use previous N apertures" option.

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Re: How to delete previous apertures

Thanks Karen