Has anyone tried to set up a kind of home-made burst alert system with AIJ? The use case I'm thinking of is a signal to request more observation time of a source which increases above a given magnitude (CV, variable stars, whatever). I'm thinking something along these lines:
1. Schedule telescope observations outside of AIJ. (I'm thinking iTelescope-style, or whatever one has access to)
2. Some kind of chron job to copy fits files from wherever the telescope saves them to wherever AIJ can look for them.
3. Use the live light curve described here:
http://astroimagej.1065399.n5.nabble.com/Process-Images-written-from-camera-in-near-real-time-and-live-update-a-light-curve-plot-td1153.html, with a polling interval of like a day or something, to match your observations.
4. Write some kind of super simple script that would do "If the magnitude is over BLAH, send an e-mail to BLAH".
I kind of think I can do the first three steps - anyone have any ideas about the last? Or an easier way to do this?