Help needed

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Help needed

Hello there friends.
I'm trying to analize spectrums of stars with AstroImageJ
Can someone help me?

I'm stuck in the 5 step that I share...

Can I compare the plot of a spectrum with the database?

Thank you!
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Re: Help needed

We do not currently offer an automated pipeline-like support for spectroscopy. What you are wanting to do could possibly be implemented using the ImageJ macro language within AIJ, but that would require a bit of work.

If there are users out there that have worked on spectroscopy projects, or even macro development projects, please help out if you have time, or even reference tools that may support spectroscopy analysis out of the box.

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Re: Help needed

Thank you Karen!
I will try to familiarize with macros to find a kind of solution.
If this happend, I will share with all of you...

Thank you again!