Flux of all comparison stars

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Flux of all comparison stars

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I am looking for a way to obtain the flux of all comparison stars used in an AIJ run.  The true flux (source - sky) would be best.  Is this information listed on the measurements table by default?  Or is there a setting that has to be selected to include that information?

I looked at some of my past measurements tables and did find an entry for 'Source-Sky_C2' but that was the only such entry in the report.  I am sure I used many more comparison stars during that run, but I don't see such entries for the other stars in the table.

Is it accurate to say that 'Source-Sky_C2' is the total flux of the C2 aperture minus the total flux of the C2 sky annulus?  

Any suggestions as to how to obtain this info from the measurements table?  Thanks!

Sycamore Canyon Observatory
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Re: Flux of all comparison stars

This info is included by default. If you are not seeing the Source-Sky_Cnn columns, go to aperture settings, more settings, and make sure "Source Counts (Source - Sky)" is enabled.