Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

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Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

I have found the ASTAP plate solve routine is MUCH faster than using Astrometry.net (using a local install of  ANSVER). Windows 10 OS. ASTAP frequently solves in less than 5 sec, while the same image can take 30 - 60s with Astrometry.net (even with fine tuning the constrain parameters).

The ASTAP program can be found here:


Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

We have recorded this feature request. From a quick glance, I didn't spot a programmatic interface that would allow AIJ to communicate directly with ASTAP. We will dig further later. In the meantime, it would seem that ASTAP could be used independently of AIJ to solve images, and then the plate solved images could be loaded into AIJ for further analysis. Does that approach currently work?


On 3/2/2021 12:08 PM, basilr [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
I have found the ASTAP plate solve routine is MUCH faster than using Astrometry.net (using a local install of ANSVER). Windows 10 OS. ASTAP frequently solves in less than 5 sec, while the same image can take 30 - 60s with Astrometry.net (even with fine tuning the constrain parameters). The ASTAP program can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/astap-program/ Thanks for your consideration.

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Re: Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

I see additional information now that suggests there is a programmatic interface. We will investigate this further as a medium term priority.


On 3/3/2021 2:02 AM, karenacollins [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
We have recorded this feature request. From a quick glance, I didn't spot a programmatic interface that would allow AIJ to communicate directly with ASTAP. We will dig further later. In the meantime, it would seem that ASTAP could be used independently of AIJ to solve images, and then the plate solved images could be loaded into AIJ for further analysis. Does that approach currently work?


On 3/2/2021 12:08 PM, basilr [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
I have found the ASTAP plate solve routine is MUCH faster than using Astrometry.net (using a local install of ANSVER). Windows 10 OS. ASTAP frequently solves in less than 5 sec, while the same image can take 30 - 60s with Astrometry.net (even with fine tuning the constrain parameters). The ASTAP program can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/astap-program/ Thanks for your consideration.

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Re: Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

Thanks Karen. I forgot to think like a programmer, which I was a LONG time ago. I knew it had some kind of interface, I use a program called CCDCiel for imaging and it had used Astrometry.net to do plate solving to fine tune slewing. Then several months ago Patrick added ASTAP, which I now use all the time for CCDCiel

Plus I feel this would ease up plate solving questions for you. I know it can be tricky and time consuming to get ANSVER running, plus figuring out what index files you need, etc. Sometimes there are also issues with the online Astromety.net site. With ASTAP just install the program and one star database and you're done. Also, there are Windows, Linux, and Mac versions.

Thanks again for you consideration and amazing program!
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Re: Feature request: Add ASTAP plate solve option

ASTAP solving can be executed using a command line as described here:


ASTAP is available for Windows, Linux, Mac.
