ERROR: bias image "BIAS" not open!

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ERROR: bias image "BIAS" not open!

I'm trying to use the CCD package to reduce some photometry and am having a few problems.

I used Plugins > CCD > Set Calibration Pipeline to set the relevant keywords for my fits files (I couldn't see one to  set the filters (our's is FILTERS not FiLTER so I had to add it - is there a better way of doing that?).

Then when I do Plugins > CCD > Calibration Pipeline it correctly finds all my images, produces a BIAS which it saves in calib/BIAS.fits. But then when the pipeline moves on to do flats it loads the correct files, but then when I check the bias subtraction box I get an error "The bias image "BIAS" is not open. Check for a missing/superfluous file extension and the whole thing crashes. I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I've also tried typing in the box the full path to the BIAS.fits file but that still doesn't work. Any help would be really appreciated. I'm on a Mac running AstroImageJ64 if that helps.
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Re: ERROR: bias image "BIAS" not open!


Hi Joe,

The CCD Plugin is a legacy plugin from the original astroj utilities that were the predecessor of AIJ. Have you looked at the Data Processor (DP) module to calibrate your CCD images. To try that, click this icon ( ) on the toolbar. Let us know if there is a reason DP will not work for you.


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Re: ERROR: bias image "BIAS" not open!

Hi Karen,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Just so I'm sure, with the DP package I need to rename all my files and sort them by filter etc? All my files come out of the telescope with the same filename and a sequential number. In the CCD package it looked at the FITS keywords to determine filters, bias, flat, object etc, but I can't see where to set that up in DP. Thanks again, Joe
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Re: ERROR: bias image "BIAS" not open!

Hi Joe,

You are correct. Unfortunately DP does not currently provide the ability to select files based on FITS header keywords.
I had a previous request for this capability, and have the feature implementation priority set to low. One reason is
that I'm not clear on how to best implement the feature. If you have time and are interested, please outline how this
would need to be implemented for your purposes. For instance, would it be required for all files to be in the same
directory? Also, for images without darks having the same exposure time, which darks should be selected, or should there
be an error message? Also, if calibration images are not available from the same date, should other calibration images
be used, and what criteria should be used to select those alternate images?

I can't promise an implementation soon, but I'll definitely keep it on the to-do list, and I'll consider any input you
want to offer.
