Does AIJ allow for an elliptical aperture?

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Does AIJ allow for an elliptical aperture?

Recently, I came across this software ( and in this link ( the authors report the detection of the dimming of a transiting planet. One of the key features, in the opinion of those who performed the data extraction, was the ability of using elliptical apertures to extract photometry. Maybe this feature can be implemented into AIJ at some point?
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Re: Does AIJ allow for an elliptical aperture?

We do not currently offer an elliptical aperture. We are soon releasing (in a week or two) the capability to define any user defined freeform-shaped aperture. An elliptical aperture could be created using this tool. However, the freeform is not as straight forward to use as a circular aperture. Elliptical apertures will likely only help if your telescope has poor tracking and guiding resulting in significantly elongated stellar PFSs. We have it on the feature request to add the capability to specify elliptical apertures that would be similar to the complexity of circular apertures, but that will be a few months down the road.

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Re: Does AIJ allow for an elliptical aperture?

Not fixed in AIJ v5.4.0, but will be released in the next numbered build.